Gladlee of Guernsey

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24th-26th May -  Iskendurum, Turkey

Leaving Mersin was very straight forward as most boats were moored alongside. It was about 80 miles to Iskendurum so another overnight passage was inevitable except for the larger power boats.  The pack basically followed the coast SE trying to avoid fishing traps and each other, not always successfully! "Vision" as always was first in at day break and were dismayed to find that the harbour had not been cleared for us as promised. One quay was clear but the other was full of fishing boats.  Frank found the person in charge and started negotiating some more space for us and then rearranging his plan for berthing the boats.  It became obvious that half the boats in each group would have to raft and the power boats from our group would have to back into the rocks as that was all the space left.  The boats began to trickle in and everybody tired after a night passage, the berthing became a bit fractious. Walt and Evelyn from s/y "Nefetari" won the award for berthing having originally gone to the wrong harbour, then dropped their anchor too far out and the end not tied on so the anchor and chain all ended up on the bottom, and the engine was stuck in reverse to make matters worse! They bounced off "Sooty" and were manhandled into a berth and later went dredging for their anchor, successfully. The power boats arrived mid-afternoon and managed eventually to back into their allotted space.

The welcome on the quay was incredible with the local talent come to entertain us with music and dancing. Very colourful and noisy.  That evening we had the rally dinner in an outdoor restaurant in town.  The usual good and plentiful food and presentations from Hasan for the Mayor and other dignitaries. Even the press was there and we got our photographs in the local newspaper. Quite tired we returned to the harbour for a welcome night's sleep.

The Rally in Iskendurum

Mosaics at Antioch

A trip was organised the next day to Antioch and the world famous mosaic museum and then on to a Roman site and Titus Tunnel.

Tari at Titus Tunnel

Ron in the tombs at Titus

That evening we were invited on to Dave and Bev's boat, m/v "Cloverleaf" for drinks and then there was a party on the quay hosted by the town. The next morning an invite for coffee for the whole rally was extended by the Mayor and about half of the people went and attended before an early evening departure.



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